365 Days of Songs (2000)

Verbow, “New History”


2/15/20231 min read

Happy Valentine’s Day! Am I writing about a love song? Heck, no! What’s the connection to V-Day, then?

Uh… the band’s name start with a V?

Sorry, guys, if you want to read about a love song, go back to Day 29 for Roxy’s “More Than This.” Or maybe Day 37 for Jimi’s “Little Wing.” Or the day before, with Rainer Maria’s love-in-the-paranormal “Clear and true.”

Today? 100% indie rock miserablism, courtesy Jason Narducy! Complete with a squonking feedback hook and a wildy bizarre bridge that somehow works. Get in the water, kids! (But if you really want to hear a love song, the lovely "Crest of Mary" closes this fine album. Mr. Narducy is nothing if not versatile.)